
‘Life Events and Emotional Disorder Revisited’
by Antonia Bifulco, Lisa Kagan, Ruth Spence
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‘Child Abuse and Protection Contemporary issues in research, policy and practice’
by Antonia Bifulco & Julia Davidson
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‘Understanding Adult Attachment in Family Relationships: Research, Assessment and Intervention’
by Antonia Bifulco & Geraldine Thomas
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‘Online Offending Behaviour and Child Victimisation: New Findings and Policy’
by Stephen Webster, Julia Davidson and Antonia Bifulco
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‘Wednesday’s Child: Research into Women’s Experience of Neglect and Abuse in Childhood and Adult Depression@
by Antonia Bifulco & Patricia Moran
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‘Online Groomers: Policing, Profiling and Prevention’
by Julia Davidson & Petter Gottschalk
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‘Identity, Attachment and Resilience: Exploring Three Generations of a Polish Family’
by Antonia Bifulco
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‘Child Sexual Abuse: Media Representations and Government Reactions: Media Representation and Government Reactions’
by Julia Davidson.
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‘Internet Child Abuse: Current Research and Policy’
by Julia Davidson & Peter Gottschalk
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Key journal articles
Davidson, J., Martellozzo, E., Farr, R., Bradbury, P., & Meggyesfalvi, B. (2024). VIRRAC Toolkit Report: Virtual Reality Risks Against Children. Institute for Connected Communities, University of East London. link
Meggyesfalvi, B. (2024). Challenges in investigating self-generated online child sexual abuse material. Belügyi Szemle, 72(2), 329-339. link
Bradbury, P. and Martellozzo, E. (2024). Exposed Online: Exploring Risks and the Imperative for Rethinking Children’s Online Safety Education. Safeguarding and Child Protection Association Journal, 1, pp. 15-29.
Meggyesfalvi, B. (2023). Kockázati tényezők a digitális térben: A gyerekek internet- és közösségi média használata és az online áldozattá válás. Belügyi Szemle, 71(12), 2163-2178. link
Martellozzo, E., & Bradbury, P. (2023). How the pandemic has made young people more vulnerable to risky online sexual trade. ISSUES Pornography, 423.
Bradbury, P., Bleakley, P. and Martellozzo, E. (2023). ‘I Had No Choice’: Adult Neutralisation of Online Sexual Engagement with Children. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 38(2), pp. 295-309.
Martellozzo, E., Bleakley, P., Bradbury, P., Spence, R., & DeMarco, J. (2023). Supporting digital key workers: Addressing the challenges faced by content moderators during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Technology, Policy & Management.
Bleakley, P., Martellozzo, E., Spence, R., & DeMarco, J. (2023). Moderating cyberspace: Should policing online CSAM be a matter of self-regulation by technology companies, or is greater state regulation needed? European Journal of Criminology.
Spence, R., Harrison, A., Bradbury, P., Bleakley, P., Martellozzo, E., & DeMarco, J. (2023). Content moderators’ strategies for coping with the stress of moderating content online. Journal of Online Trust & Safety.
Zasiekina, L., Duchyminska, T., Bignardi, G., and Bifulco, A. (2023). War trauma impacts in Ukrainian combat and civilian populations: Moral injury and associated mental health symptoms. Military Psychology, 35(1), pp. 45-60.
Meggyesfalvi, B. (2023). Challenges in investigating self-generated online child sexual abuse material. Belugyi Szemle, English Edition. Published by the Home Office.
Gregorová, A. B., Meggyesfalvi, B., Hadrévy, B. C., Šolcová, J., Fabac, T., Hauser, M., & Nagy, B. (2022). Service-learning in Youthwork: Manual for youth workers Banská Bystrica: Platform of Volunteer Centers and Organizations. ISBN: 978-80-974174-6-2
Bleakley, P., Frost, S., Bradbury, P., Short, E., & Martellozzo, E. (2022) The right tool for the job: Evaluating police experiences of a pilot tool for responding to stalking. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice
Martellozzo, E., & Bradbury, P. (2021) How the pandemic has made young people more vulnerable to risky online sexual trade. Parenting for a Digital Future.
Davies, K., Spence, R., Cummings, E., Cross, M., & Horvath, M. (2022) Understanding sexual violence and factors related to police outcomes. Frontiers in Psychology, 4985.
Martellozzo, E., Bleakley, P., Bradbury, P., Frost, S., & Short, E. (2022) Police responses to cyberstalking during the Covid-19 pandemic in the UK. The Police Journal, 0032258X221113452.
Martellozzo, E., Bradbury, P., Bleakley, P., Short, E., & Frost, S. (2022) Exploring the impact of COVID-19 on stalking behaviours. Journal of Family Violence.
Bifulco, A. (2021) Family history and searching for hidden trauma—a personal commentary. Genealogy, 5 (2), e46. ISSN 2313-5778. doi:10.3390/genealogy5020046.
Bifulco, A., Jacobs, C., Oskis, A., Bunn, A., & Spence, R. (2021) The child attachment style interview (Child-ASI) and depression: preliminary findings. Educational and Child Psychology, 38 (1). pp. 62-74. ISSN 0267-1611.
Meggyesfalvi, B. (2021). Policing harmful content on social media platforms. Belügyi Szemle, 69(6), 26-38. link
Bradbury, P., & Martellozzo, E. (2021) ‘Lucky Boy!’; Public Perceptions of Child Sexual Offending Committed by Women. Journal of Victimology and Victim Justice, 25166069211060091.
Bradbury, P, Martellozzo, E., & Sort, E. (2021) Speaking Up: Contributing to the fight against gender-based violence online. Parenting Digital Future.
Martellozzo, E., & DeMarco, J. (2020) Exploring the removal of online child sexual abuse material in the United Kingdom: processes and practice. Crime Prevention & Community Safety, 22 (4). pp. 331-350. ISSN 1460-3780 doi:10.1057/s41300-020-00099-2
Martellozzo, E., Monaghan, A., Davidson, J. & Adler, J.R. (2020) Researching the affects that on online pornography has on U.K. adolescents aged 11 to 16. SAGE Open, 10 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2158-2440. doi:10.1177/2158244019899462.
Short, E., Bradbury, P., Martellozzo, E., Bleakley, P., Frost, S. (2022). Cyberstalking in the pandemic: Exploring the challenges faced by modern policing. The Policing Journal: Theory, Practice & Principles
Short, E., Bradbury, P., Martellozzo, E., Frost, S., & Bleakley, P. (2022) Frontline Response: Exploring the Impact of COVID-19 on Stalking Behaviours. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, pp. 1-9.
Spence, R., Harrison, A., Bradbury, P., Bleakley, P., Martellozzo, E., & DeMarco, J. (2023) Content moderators’ strategies for coping with the stress of moderating content online. Journal of Online Trust & Safety.
Spence, R., Horvath, M.A.H., Dalton, C.T., & Davies, K. (2022) Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on reporting of rape, serious sexual offence, and domestic abuse in one English police force. Journal of Gender-Based Violence, pp. 1-19.
Spence, R., Kagan, L., Nunn, S., Bailey-Rodriguez, D., Fisher, H.L., Hosang, G.M., & Bifulco, A. (2022). The moderation effect of secure attachment on the relationship between positive events and wellbeing. PsyCH Journal 11 (4). pp. 541-549.
Spence, R., Kagan, L., Kljakovic, M. & Bifulco, A. (2021) Understanding trauma in children and young people in the school setting. Educational and Child Psychology, 38 (1). pp. 87-98. ISSN 0267-1611.
Spence, R., Kagan, L., Nunn, S., Bailey-Rodriguez, D., Fisher, H.L., Hosang, G.M. & Bifulco, A. (2020) Life events, depression and supportive relationships affect academic achievement in university students. Journal of American College Health. ISSN 0744-8481. (Published online first) doi:10.1080/07448481.2020.1841776.
Ward, J., & Spence, R. (2022). Criminal court sentencing: the case for specialist ‘young adult’ courts. The British Journal of Criminology.
2019 and previous years
Bifulco, A., Damiani, R., Jacobs, C., Bunn, A. & Spence, R. (2019) Partner violence in women – associations with childhood maltreatment, attachment style and major depression. Maltrattamento E Abuso All’infanzia: Rivista Interdisciplinare | Child Abuse and Maltreatment: Interdisciplinary Journal (2) . pp. 13-28. ISSN 1591-4267.
Bifulco, A. and Kagan, L. and Spence, R. and Nunn, S., Bailey-Rodriguez, D. and Hosang, G.M.,Taylor, M., & Fisher, H.L. (2019) Characteristics of severe life events, attachment style, and depression – Using a new online approach. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 58 (4). pp. 427-439. ISSN 0144-6657.
Bifulco, A., Jacobs, C., Oskis, A., Cavana, F. & Spence, R. (2019) Lifetime trauma, adversity and emotional disorder in older age women. Maltrattamento E Abuso All’infanzia: Rivista Interdisciplinare | Child Abuse and Maltreatment: Interdisciplinary Journal (2) pp. 29-43. ISSN pp. 1591-4267.
Bifulco, A., Spence, R., Nunn, S., Kagan, L., Bailey-Rodriguez, D., Hosang, G.M., Taylor, M. & Fisher, H.L. (2019) Web-based measure of life events using computerized life events and assessment record (CLEAR): preliminary cross-sectional study of reliability, validity, and association with depression. JMIR Mental Health, 6 (1), e10675. ISSN 2368-7959
Jacobs, C., Boyce, N., Ilan-Clarke, Y. & Bifulco, A. (2019) Assessing attachment style in traumatized adolescents in residential care: A case approach. Maltrattamento E Abuso All’infanzia: Rivista Interdisciplinare | Child Abuse and Maltreatment: Interdisciplinary Journal (1) . pp. 39-54. ISSN 1591-4267.
Spence, R., Jacobs, C. & Bifulco, A. (2018) Attachment style, loneliness and depression in older age women. Aging and mental health. ISSN 1360-7863.
Bifulco, A., Jacobs, C., Ilan-Clarke, Y., Spence, R. & Oskis, A. (2017) Adolescent attachment style in residential care: the attachment style interview and vulnerable attachment style questionnaire. British Journal of Social Work, 47. pp. 1880-1883. ISSN 0045-3102.
Spence, R., Bunn, A. Nunn, S., Hosang, G., Kagan, L., Fisher, H.L., Taylor, M., & Bifulco, A. (2015) Measuring life events and their association with clinical disorder: a protocol for development of an online approach. JMIR Research Protocols, 4 (3). e83.
Abdul K.N., & Bifulco, A. (2016) Exploring disorganised attachment style in Malay mothers: A mixed method approach. Social Work in Mental Health. 15(4), pp. 397-418.
DeMarco, J., Ilan-Clarke, Y., Bunn, A., Isaac, T., Criddle, J., Holdsworth, G., & Bifulco, A. (2016). Improving mental health and lifestyle outcomes in a hospital emergency department based youth violence intervention. Journal of Public Mental Health, 15(3), pp.119-133.
DeMarco, J., Da,on, J. Bifulco, A., Scally, M., Cheevers, C., Schimmenti, A., Caretti, V., Puccia, A., Corbari, E., Schilder, J. & Bogaerts, S. (2016) EU online child safety: what does the literature say? Crimen et Delictum: International Journal of Criminological and Investigative Sciences, 11 (1). pp. 1-19. ISSN 2039-5671.
Bifulco, A., Jacobs, C., Ilan-Clarke, Y., Spence R., & Oskis, A. (2016) Adolescent Attachment Style in Residential Care: The Attachment Style Interview and Vulnerable Attachment Style Questionnaire. British Journal of Social Work.
Schimmenti, A. & Bifulco, A. (2015) Linking lack of care in childhood to anxiety disorders in emerging adulthood: the role of attachment styles. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 20 (1).
Bifulco, A. (2015) Attachment and Adversity Across the Lifespan. Attachment: New directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis, 9, pp.201-218.
Infirma, M.R., Reich, C., Parzer, P., Schimmenti, A., Bifulco, A. & Kaess, M. (2015) Associations between depression and specific childhood experience of abuse and neglect: a meta-analysis. Journal of affective disorder, Vol. 190, pp.47-55.
Sheinbaum, T., Bifulco, A., Ballespí, S., Mitjavila, M., Kwapil, T. R., & Barrantes-Vidal, N. (2015). Interview Investigation of Insecure Attachment Styles as Mediators between Poor Childhood Care and Schizophrenia-Spectrum Phenomenology. PLOS ONE. August 10(8): e0135150.
Spence, R., Bunn, A., Nunn, S., Hosang, G.M., Kagan, L., Fisher, H.L., Taylor, M., & Bifulco, A. (2015) An online approach to measuring life events and their association with clinical disorder. JMIR Research Protocols doi:10.2196/resprot.4085.
Spence, R., Bunn, A., Nunn, S., Hosang, G., Kagan, L., Fisher, H. L., Taylor, M., & Bifulco, A. (2015) Measuring life events and their association with clinical disorder: a protocol for development of an online approach. JMIR Research Protocols, 4 (3). e83. ISSN 1929-0748.
Bifulco, A., Schimmenti, A., Moran, P., Jacobs, C., Bunn, A., & Rusu, A. (2014) Problem parental care and deliberate self-harm in teenage years in a community sample of young adults. Journal of the Menninger Bulletin. Vol. 78, (2), pp.95-114.
Bifulco, A., Schimmenti, A., Moran, P., Jacobs, C., Bunn, A., & Rusu, A. (2014) Bullying victimisation and disorder in teenage years. Child Indicators Research.
Davidson, J. & Martellozzo, E. (2013) Exploring young people’s use of social networking sites and digital media in the internet safety context: a comparison of the UK and Bahrain. Information, Communication & Society, 16 (9). pp. 1456-1476. ISSN 1369-118X.
Davidson, J. & Bifulco, A. (2009) Investigating police practice in the UK: achieving best evidence in work with young victims of abuse. Pakistan Journal of Criminology, 1 (3). pp. 19-46.
Davidson, J., Bifulco, A,, Thomas, G., & Ramsay, M. (2006) Child victims of sexual abuse: children’s experience of the investigative process in the criminal justice system. Practice: Social Work in Action, 18 (4). pp. 247-263. ISSN 0950-3153.
Full list of CATS publications: Centre for Abuse, Trauma and Suicide studies (CATS): Middlesex University Research Repository